If you are new to the world of Harriet Gordon... or if you have read a couple of her adventures but you are curious about the circumstances that led to her arrival in Singapore, I am offering readers a chance to download a copy of THE UMBRELLA... the Harriet Gordon prequel. This little novella is exclusive to my readers' group so you will be asked to sign up, but I promise you that my occasional emails will not clog your inbox and, hopefully, offer you news, contest and insights not availalbe to the general public! And... I really like to make new friends! And as we countdown to the release of EVIL IN EMERALD, I have a couple of fabulous offers for US readers - Keep scrolling! ALISON STUART FOR US READERS...
My dear readers... Greetings from Singapore. The date is November 1910 and I am taking a break from playing tennis to join the ladies and gentlemen of the Singapore Amateur Dramatic and Music Society in their Christmas production of PIRATES OF PENZANCE. The Victoria Hall is booked... and we have been hard at work rehearsing. The only reason I got talked into joining the company is because my tennis doubles partner, Griff Maddocks, rather fancies himself as the Pirate King. However I have a small part and it is always interesting to mix with a different crowd... and they are quite different... There are a great deal of undercurrents that I don't really understand yet! So here is the cover for my third Harriet Gordon Mystery - EVIL IN EMERALD! It will be released on 29 March 2022 (in print, digital and audio) so a little while to wait. BUT the good news is it is available for pre order (click HERE for the links). A book only starts to feel real when it has a cover (and a title). Fortunately the title EVIL IN EMERALD was set in stone (no pun intended) from the get go but there is that moment of breath holding before the cover concept arrives. I particularly like how the cover artist has incorporated Victoria Hall in the background. I am loving the gem theme to the books and seeing the three books together... blue, red and now green... really makes it look like a set. All for now... Best wishes Harriet (and Alison) xxx (PS Don't forget to sign up to my regular newsletter for up to date news about my books and for the exclusive opportunity to download THE UMBRELLA - a Harriet Gordon prequel! Click HERE) Today is Halloween... in our western society this is All Hallows Eve... which like so many of our Christian traditions, probably had its roots in our own pagan past. The feast of Samhain marked the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter and was seen as a time when the spirits and fairies could slip the boundary between the otherworld and ours. Our pagan ancestors offered propitiation to the the spirits to ensure they survived the hard winter ahead. When the pagan slid into the Christian, All Hallows and All Souls days became the religious observance days for honouring the dead saints and the souls of those who had departed. When I lived in Singapore, it was hard not to get drawn into the traditions and customs of the many different cultural groups that make up the population of that wonderful little country. I recall shopping for Christmas decorations in the company of Muslim women on the hunt for Ramadan decorations, and the shopping malls still vie for the most amazing Christmas decorations which go up just after the Deepavali decorations come down. It therefore came as no surprise to find in the Buddhist and Taoist tradition, there is a similar feast... that of the Hungry Ghosts. Traditionally the seventh month of the lunar new year (around August) was the month when the souls of the departed - the Hungry Ghosts - like the fae folk of western tradition, slipped the bounds of the afterlife and and roamed earth once more seeking propitiation and entertainment. All around Singapore, braziers appeared on the footpaths and the smell of burning incense paper drifted in the warm air and Chinese opera stages appeared in parks and outside temples. Rows of seats were always left empty to ensure the hungry ghosts had the best seats. It is considered ill luck to plan an important event during this month (marriage, children, house moves, business ventures, big trips). In fact there is a long list of dos and don’ts - see this article for examples! The second of the Harriet Gordon Mysteries, REVENGE IN RUBIES, is set in August 1910 - Hungry Ghost month and the theme of the ghosts of the past coming back to haunt the characters seemed to fit well with the story as both Harriet and Curran are forced to face the ghosts and demons of their own pasts... Here in Australia, Halloween has never been celebrated with the same fervour as it is in the northern hemisphere, but wherever you may be I hope you enjoy your Halloween! And if you like a good ghost story you might also like to take a look at two ALISON STUART titles...
Harriet Gordon stumbles into a murderous web of stolen gems and cutthroat thieves as she runs from her tragic past in an enthralling new historical mystery series set in early twentieth century Singapore.SINGAPORE SAPPHIRE- Book 1 in the HARRIET GORDON MYSTERY, series is available for just $1.99 (worldwide). This special offer finishes on 4 October so grab it now...
Click THIS LINK to go to your favourite store! HARRIET GORDON IS BACK.... Today is release day for REVENGE IN RUBIES. This book is a little bit special for me because it actually had its genesis twenty years ago as a writing exercise for a writing group during my time in Singapore. I am guessing our exercise for the month may have been 'mystery'. I recall us gathered on a friend's verandah... she lived in one of the old black and white houses that had once been a part of an army barracks (appropriately). A fan whirred above us and there was still enough ulu around her house for the night insects and the monkeys to make themselves a presence as I picked up my papers and began to read... "The colonel’s lady was dead..." They say good writing is never wasted and those few thousand words I wrote for the ANZA Writers Group became the basis for REVENGE IN RUBIES... The other truism of writing is 'write what you know' and in setting REVENGE IN RUBIES in the world of the military I really was writing what I knew. I served for nearly twenty years as an officer in the Australian Army Reserve so I have endured many a long mess dinner, played 'mess games' and I would like to think I bring that intrinsic knowledge of soldiers and their lives to this book. I also drew on my father's experiences as an officer in the British Army. So for my friends and readers in the USA... REVENGE IN RUBIES will be on the shelf of your favourite book store and all places that sell good books. It is also available in audio and ebook. And for my friends in Australia... alas it is not on general distribution here, but some bookstores, such as JEFFREY'S BOOKS in Malvern will be stocking it and most of the big stores like Dymocks and Booktopia have the print book available to purchase online. You can also purchase an autographed print book directly from my book store. Click HERE. IF you would like to read an excerpt from REVENGE IN RUBIES... AND go in the draw to win one of two Advance Review Copies. Click HERE or the the link below! REVENGE IN RUBIES will be released on 15th September!
It's less than a month until the release of the second Harriet Gordon Mystery - REVENGE IN RUBIES!
If you join my email list between now and the end of August, you will go in the draw to win one of two Advance Review Copies of REVENGE IN RUBIES! Click HERE for more information and to PREORDER.
I have just finished the first pass edits for REVENGE IN RUBIES (Book 2 of the Harriet Gordon Mysteries) and seen a concept layout for the cover which is GORGEOUS! This is when it all starts to feel real.
As the wheels of the publishing industry grind into gear I thought I'd let you know about an opportunity to go in the draw to win a $160 Amazon Gift Card just by following my A.M. STUART profile on Book Bub... that easy! The Rafflecopter closes on Feb 20. CLICK THE BUTTON ABOVE TO ENTER! (Revenge in Rubies will be released on 15 September: Click HERE for Preorder Links!) By popular request: This post is an adaptation of the speech I gave at the official launch for SINGAPORE SAPPHIRE (at Jeffrey’s Books on 28 August) The first question I am asked is why after 10 historical romance stories have I turned to crime? There is a very famous writer, Janet Evanovich, who when asked why she had started writing her Stephanie Plum books said something along the lines of … “Well, I reached menopause and my husband retired…”. I could probably say the same thing but the reality is it took another writer, to ask me what I read. When I confessed that I mostly read crime fiction, her response was “Well, why aren’t you writing it?” The simple answer at the time was that it was simply too hard. Writing good crime fiction is a very different discipline from writing romance… too start with it requires a degree of organisation that at the time I just didn’t have. Which is not to say that mysteries didn’t start creeping into my other stories – both GATHER THE BONES and LORD SOMERTON’S HEIR are, effectively historical mysteries. Once the seed had been sown I brooded for a long, long time over an idea that had begun some years before. In 2000 my family relocated with my husband’s work to Singapore. It possibly could not have been a worse time in our family life with one son in Year 7 and another in Year 10. The life of an expat may seem extraordinarily glamorous but the reality was for at least the first six months I had never been more miserable. I had effectively walked away from my own identity as a lawyer and an army officer to find myself planted in a strange artificial society where no one cared who you were before you landed on the island and in a surreal kind of way I found myself transported back to the 1950s where my only identity was that of my husband, his status in the company, the car we drove and the condo we lived in. My husband had his work, my sons had school (however much they have hated it) but I had nothing to anchor me. At that time it was very difficult for trailing spouses to get work permits and I don’t know what I would have, or could have, done particularly not while I was struggling to hold myself and hearth and home together. All I really had was my writing and now I had apparently endless days to write, I had apparently left the fledgling muse in Melbourne. It was about then that I discovered the ANZA Writers Group, convened by Julie Vellacott … We gathered monthly around the large circular table on Julie’s verandah. As disparate a group of women, let alone writers as you could ever meet. Our writing interests were all completely different and I’m not sure quite how some of the more literary among them took to having a self confessed romance writer in their midst, but for all that we shared one thing in common – a love of words and writing. Julie would set us monthly challenges and from these challenges, came our first anthology of short stories IN THE SHADOW OF THE MERLION… which was a best seller in Singapore for a whole week. This was followed by a second anthology based on stories of our expat lives… NOT ALL PINK GINS. I remember Julie telling us at one point that she needed SOMEONE to write a cheerful story as we vented on the downsides of being an expat. One of the writing exercises Julie set was the challenge of writing a murder mystery. I can still see the evening meeting. We gathered at Rebecca’s little, old black and white house on a warm evening. Above us a fan whirred and the insects and monkeys crashed around the ulu still surrounding this little corner of old Singapore. With some trepidation I began… The colonel’s lady was dead. Major James Cardew, the Provost-Marshall, looked down at the body on the blood soaked bed and tried to recall what his wife, Annie, had said when Delia Blake had first landed in Singapore. “Old men should never marry young wives, it always leads to trouble.” This is not the start of SINGAPORE SAPPHIRE but in the tradition of ‘no writing is ever wasted’, it may be the start of the second Harriet Gordon Mystery which is currently titled THE COLONEL’S LADY. Of course, Major James Cardew, the Provost Marshall of that tentative first draft did become Inspector Robert Curran of the Straits Settlements Police. So when did Harriet enter my life? I met Harriet in the microfiche room at the newly opened Singapore National Library. I have always found old newspapers a wonderful source of inspiration and I was passing the morning flicking through editions of THE STRAITS TIMES for 1905 when an advertisement jumped out at me (for more about this fortuitous meeting click HERE). With apologies to Mrs. Howell, I simply could not get the idea of “absolute secrecy and confidentiality” out of my mind and slowly the character of Harriet Gordon, frustrated shorthand typist and failed suffragette (failed in her mind) began to take form. It is probably at this point that I must confess to being a child of the British Empire. My grandparents went to Kenya in the 1920s. My mother was born there and was working there in child welfare when she met my father, who had recently resigned his commission in the British Army. My brother and I would jokingly say that Dad’s military career followed the decline and fall of the British Empire. Wherever he went, it declined and fell and Kenya, of course, gained independence in 1963. Mercifully both my parents were unanimous about one thing – neither wanted to settle back in England so in 1968 our little family came to Melbourne. So, in a way, the world of Harriet Gordon is part of my own DNA and I have thoroughly enjoyed rebuilding the pre World War 1 world of Edwardian gentility. In November 2011 I wrote the first draft of SINGAPORE SAPPHIRE during the Nanowrimo challenge and over the next 8 years, polished it, pitched it, polished it some more… and of course, copped rejection after rejection. It wasn’t until 2017 when I made the big decision to walk away from the day job that the universe decided my time had come. I attended the Historical Novel Society Conference in Portland, Oregon and pitched Harriet once more – this time to a literary agent and to my incredulity she picked me up. As she represents a number of historical mystery authors, I had every confidence in her but we gradually worked our way down her list of publishers and were starting to discuss her B list when Penguin in New York said yes. It is not often that you have the privilege of being able to share what we refer to as ‘the call’ story but it just happened that the day my agent rang me I was meeting with my current writers group, THE SATURDAY LADIES BRIDGE Club and they were able to share the excitement of the moment with me. The Saturday Ladies have long been walking Harriet’s journey with me… they have been beta readers and providers of tea and sympathy as yet another rejection sent me reaching for the gin… So what began with a writers group in far away Singapore, long, long ago… concluded in the company of writers here in Melbourne. Sharing 'the call' with the Saturday Ladies Bridge Club... January 2018
For nine long years I pitched the first of the Harriet Gordon Mystery to publishers and agents. I believed passionately in the story that had been with me since I first met "Harriet" in the microfiche room of the Singapore National Library (see introducing-harriet-gordon.html) but it seemed I would never find a home for her... And now the day has come! SINGAPORE SAPPHIRE goes live across the United States and, I hope in as many other places as it can possibly be! As well as print and digital, most excitingly for this long term audio book fan, it is also available as an audio book. The narrator is wonderful... and I am sure you will love it! Because I live in Australia, I am not able to walk into the nearest Barnes and Noble and take a #shelfie which is why I am hoping that my friends across the USA can help me by taking a photo of SINGAPORE SAPPHIRE on the shelf of your favourite bookseller and enter it in the #SingSaphShelfie contest (details below!). There is a $50 Amazon gift card on offer and if you happen to see it on an airport bookshelf - there will be a mystery bonus prize! Don't forget to add where SINGAPORE SAPPHIRE was sighted! Friends in other countries are also welcome to send me #shelfies and will be in the running to win the gift card. Here's to Harriet and her friends... and if you can't wait for Book 2, THE COLONEL'S LADY will be out this time next year (at least that's the plan!) Alison Where to buy SINGAPORE SAPPHIRE!In print from your favourite bookseller (and if they don't have it on the shelf, be sure to ask them to get it in!) Audio from AUDIBLE, Kobo and other audio retailers. And in digital from your favourite digital retailer. Click HERE SINGAPORE SAPPHIRE #shelfie CONTEST
A.M. StuartReaders can connect with A.M. Stuart at her website, Facebook, or subscribe to her newsletter on the form below. Subscribe to Alison's NewsletterArchives
October 2024